This eco-friendly Irish company is launching a ZERO WASTE party shop
It's notoriously difficult to throw a party that's environmentally friendly.
With summer fast approaching, we're bound to be breaking open the plastic plates for birthday bashes and barbecues, but at what ecological cost?
Unlike newspaper and office sheets, paper plates are contaminated with food residue and once used, generally can't be recycled. Without a home composting system, your paper plates pretty much all end up in landfills.
Two mums have decided to change the way parties are held. Planet Sustie is a self-funded, Irish owned company run by Claire O’Caoimh and Roisin Carroll, with seven children and two dogs between them.
It's safe to say they've seen their fair share of kids parties, and have created their own sustainable solution to this environmental issue. It's possible to love the planet, even at parties.
This new and exciting 100 percent compostable partyware company is launching its fresh on-line party shop onto the Irish market today, as the nations only zero waste party store.
Whether it's a birthday party, christening, wedding, workplace barbecue or even just for when you've ran out of clean plates; Planet Sustie is ready to save the party and us mums love them for it.
All of their products comply with EU regulation EN1343, and are completely eco-friendly, budget conscious and stress-fee.
Their cups, plates, cutlery and serviettes can all go into the commercial brown bin for composting, even with food waste.
Speaking about the launch, the entrepreneurs couldn't contain their enthusiasm;
“This is really exciting for both of us – after having lived with tons of unrecyclable party debris we made it our business to find an eco-friendly partyware range and that’s how Planet Sustie was born!”
The company plans to save the Irish party market one party at a time, and transform the plastic gatherings of the past (and present), Their new events range is perfect for any family occasion.
Finding products which are 100 percent environmentally friendly has become increasingly popular, with climate change gradually confronting us year by year.
Planet Sustie's products will biodegrade into the soil within three months, and each customer receives a complementary green compostable refuse sack with every order.
It's definitely time to turn our focus to reducing our massive plastic consumption, which creates incredibly harmful issues for the environment.
Plastic can take 400 years to break down, so we're delighted that these two mums took matters into their own hands.
Visit their website to see the full range of items available, we can't wait for our next birthday bash to try these out guilt-free.