Police pull over driver, but their excuse for speeding will make you laugh A LOT
Officer finds a toddler DRIVING a police car, what he does next is incredible
Policeman takes mum and kids into his car, and you'll never guess what he did next
Girl, 4, asks cop to come to her house to help her, and it will melt your heart
Mum-to-be ends up sobbing when a policeman arrives at her front door, and then the noise stops
Officer gets called to a local store when a woman is caught shoplifting, but no one expected this
A cop goes along to a tea party with a toddler... but you won't believe why
Couple catch woman robbing their kid’s toys but an officer immediately recognises her
Police officers try to help autistic teen when he loses his shirt
Police officer pulls a woman over for illegal turn not expecting what was about to happen
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