Family Life

This proposal involved the local police force - and she still said yes

We don't know how we'd react if our significant other proposed like this… 

Greg decided to propose to his girlfriend, Brooklyn, with the help of the Sheriff's Department, and while she did say yes, it's definitely got awkward written all over it!

Photographer Samantha Slayton, took to the Love What Matters Facebook page to share the very unusual proposal between childhood sweethearts, saying:

“As a wedding photographer I witness many life changing moments but Greg's surprise proposal was the most exciting engagement I have ever witnessed."

"About a week before the proposal, Greg contacted Dalton with this outrageous plan to propose to Brooklyn involving the Sheriff's Department and I just knew it would be amazing."

So, how did the proposal actually happen:

Well, according to the post, Brooklyn and Greg (who is in the police force) were travelling through Medina to meet the photographer for dinner – the couple had agreed to take part in a "photoshoot" for Samantha.

However, on the way there, a Sheriff's deputy and Medina City Cop pulled them over.

"The deputy stated that Brooklyn owed court costs on a previous speeding ticket she had, stated that she would be arrested and asked her to step out of the vehicle," Sam wrote – and, yes, this is where we would go bananas and start ugly crying. 

"He proceeded to put her in the back of the car. Meanwhile, Greg and the deputy discussed the plan to get Brooklyn back out of the car so he could propose… She had no idea.

"The deputy stated that there had been a mix up in the system and that she was free to go.

"She was still oblivious to what was going on when Greg dropped to one knee and asked her to spend forever with him.”

Now imagine this happening here with a Garda… Yup, we'd kill him!

And we're not the only ones…

"I would hate being proposed to like that. Sounds awful. She thought she was possibly getting arrested… how is that in anyway romantic. But whatever makes her happy. Just an odd idea I guess," wrote one person on Facebook. 

However, another said: "AMAZING! He definitely put time and effort into this and made it very special. Gorgeous ring, too! Congratulations!!"

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