Big Kids

The 9 things that you are guaranteed to do on your child's first day of school

The first day of school is a day filled with emotion and pride, tears and laughter.

Watching your little one walk out the door, wearing a uniform that you don't think they'll ever grow into, a little bit worried about what lies ahead, is a day you'll never forget.

Especially considering the sheer volume of photos you'll take! 

But it's also a fun day. A day of new beginnings. 

And the following things are guaranteed to happen:  

1. You'll cry both happy and sad tears. Constantly. Until your little one tells you to shush

2. Your sit-down breakfast plan will be scumbed because you spent too long perfecting your little one's hair

3. You'll post a perfectly put together collage on Instagram (using the Claredon filter)

4. You'll fix their shirt collar at least six times for fear they'll look like the scruffy kid in class (not that it matters at the end of the day)

5. You'll insist on carrying their bag because you'll worry it'll damage their back (even though there's only one copy and a pencil case in it)

6. You'll take a paparazzi-worthy number of photos 

7. You'll put on your best outfit because it's your first day too 

8. You'll scan the classroom for the best seat: close to the teacher but not too close – you want them to make a good impression

9. You'll be 20 minutes early and end up standing in the rain, your perfectly blow dried hair slowly coming undone

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