Wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs added to newest Barbie range
Dad posts side by side photograph embracing his postpartum body
Mum's selfie depicts what 70 pounds over weight looks like, and it's beautiful
Reality check: ‘My first diet was at 15. I wasn't overweight, but I didn't look like my friends’
Mum gives birth to the biggest baby her hospital has ever seen, and we're in awe of her
Mum's dressing room encounter with her son is what every mother NEEDS to hear
Mum slams her dress attire: 'The truth is, I'm the heaviest I've ever been'
Mum regrets her 'weigh in' as soon as she finds herself thinking about numbers
Toddler struggles to get his trousers on so he tries the skinny jeans dance – and it’s adorable
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