Big Kids

Need your kids to do more chores around the house? We've got you covered

Don't say you've never tried it – bribery has long been a compassionate (desperate) act of parenthood. 

Sometimes things just pile up and there are not enough hours in the day for mums to get everything done. 

School drop-off, pick-up, after-school activities, and lets not even mention play-dates, homework and dinner. 

It can be a nightmare, so every now and then we need to rope the kids in for a spot of cleaning to help us out. 

But that can also be a challenge in itself, if there's one thing children do NOT want to do, it's spending their time cleaning for mum. 

However, we at MagicMum are firm believers there is no harm in instilling some duty and care into our children from an early age. 

Nonetheless, it's tough to get your children to volunteer for cleaning duties – so when we saw this tip from Fat Slim Mum, we instantly thought she was a genius. 

The Australian mummy-blogger, has a novel way of having her girls help out around the house. 

Hanging ziplock bags on the wall, with a label on each one, be it hoovering, polishing, folding laundry, each one has a slight monetary gain inside when the chore is complete. 

And while, yes, it's total bribery – it works, and we think it's perfect – you'll 100 per cent see us using this from now on. 

There's no harm in rewarding your children for some chores, right?

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