Family Life

Mum calls gay bar for parenting advice- and the bartender's response is PERFECT

Kara Corley has been a bartender for 17 years. Working in a "not-so-gay gay bar" in Mississippi. 

"The reason I choose that wording is because even though we tend to cater to the local gay culture, we are an all-inclusive experience for people of all walks of life, socioeconomic classes, and sexual orientations," Corely told Love What Matters.

Recently, while working the bar on a Thursday night, she got a rather unusual phone call. 

Expecting a party booking or a reservation, Corely instead heard a woman on the other end of the line ask, "Is this a gay bar?" 

"Usually, when someone asks that question, I can expect them to hang up or awkwardly back out of the conversation after I answer. And my answer is always, ‘It’s an everybody bar.’ But not this time." 

The following conversation is as sincere as it is heartwarming, the lady asked Corely if she was gay, to which she replied yes. But what she asked next threw her. 

"What was the one thing you wanted from your parents when you a came out?" she asked. 

Corely was stumped, so the lady elaborated. 

"My son just came out to me, and I don’t want to say anything that may mess him up in the head." 

"Well, I think that you should just make sure he knows that you love and accept," Corely replied.  "You should definitely let him know that you love and accept him! I think everything will be ok from there!"

The lady then thanked Corely and hung up the phone. The interaction made her think about the acceptance of LGBTQ community. 

"It really warmed my heart to have her call and ask for that advice.

"One of my regular patrons said it best: ‘This is called progress. When a mother doesn't know how to react, she asks for advice. And that isn’t just good motherhood, that is a sign that the fight for equality is only becoming closer and closer to being over. Thank you, stranger, for reaching out for help when you weren't sure what to say or do.’"

Corely continued to say that she was "honoured" to help raise awareness for the LGBTQ community. 

"But I would be remiss if I did not say that the real hero here is the nameless mother who loved her son so much, that she sought advice on how to find a path that would not only allow him to finally live his truth, but also helps her to be the loving and accepting mother that so many LGBT Americans have not had.

"I challenge all people to treat their LGBT friends, brothers, sisters, cousins, great aunts twice removed with all the love and respect, and common human decency, that you would want for yourself. Conditional love can scar someone’s soul for the rest of their lives. But unconditional love can heal all wounds.”

The reaction to Corely's touching post says it all: 

So lovely! 

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