Family Life

14 of the BEST things about being a granny

Being a granny is one of the most rewarding roles you could ever have (apart from being a mum that is…).

Not only do you get to have all the fun without any of the responsibilities, you also get the respect that your own kids never gave you! 

But they're not the only things; here are 14 reasons being a granny is the best ever. 

1. You automatically have a friend for life (although this doesn't count during the teenage years)

2. You get to teach them the things you wish you taught your own kids  

3. You realise just how strong you are as a person 

4. You get to be a pretty important part in someone's else's future

5. You get to shape another person's future

6. You get to see the world through the eyes of this tiny little person

7. Being able to prove that age is just a number

8. Eating ice cream and jelly at a fancy restaurant (waste not want not and all that jazz)

9. You can watch cartoons on telly without anyone passing judgement

10. Kids keep you feeling young 

11. You get all of the pleasure without any of the annoying fiddly bits – like making sure they brush their teeth properly 

12. Being able to enjoy watching the kids growing up – without any of the responsibility

13. Seeing your own children getting their comeuppance during the teenage years! 

14. Watching your own child becoming a parent


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