Big Kids

INSPO! We've come up with the best last minute Halloween costumes for school

When it comes to our kids’ school life we’ll never be fully prepared – there’s just so much to remember.

On the other hand, our kids have a tendency to forget to tell us things until the very last minute, as in right before they go to bed and when it comes to school dress-up or parties it takes the same course.

So it would come as no surprise that parents will need some last minute ideas for Halloween costumes, but this year we’ve a number of ideas for those last minute costumes.

1. Cowboy and Cowgirl

This is too simple – all you need are jeans, denim shirts, boots and a hat to pull off the look. If you have any extra props lying around the house you can include a toy horse, a badge, a belt or a bandana.

2. Golfer

Dressing up as a golfer is too easy for your kids (just make sure you have some toy golf clubs). A polo shirt, a jumper and trousers tucked into socks is the way to go on this one, and if you have any checks or a peak hat make sure and throw it on for good measure.

3. Teacher

We’re not sure the teachers will like to see the little ones take on their look, but we think it will be hilarious! Again, there’s not much needed apart from some bifocals and a whole lot of authority.

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4. The Flinstones

Dress them up as Bamm-Bamm or Pebbles for the cutest outfits in school! For this one you just need some green, orange and black material, and a needle and thread of course! You can stitch up the costumes and if you have time you can even make stuffed props.

5. Game of Thrones

Have your little ones dress up as Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen and they will be the coolest kids in school. Most of the items you’ll already have in your wardrobe such as long winter coats, scarves and fur, while Daenery’s just requires a dress – simple.

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6. Mummy

Head straight to your nearest discount store and you have this one completely won! Gather all the toilet roll in the world, wrap it nicely and you’re done. For special effects you could use some ketchup – but we’d advise some red paint due to the lingering tomato smell, lol.

7. Up

When your finished this dress-up there’s a strong chance you will be reduced to tears with the sheer joy the cuteness will bring. Once again the outfit is quite simple with most of the items likely hanging in your wardrobe, just make sure and grab some balloons.

8. Spider

Every child has black clothes in their wardrobe. All mum or dad has to do is run to the shop for some white felt, sticking it to your little spider, and voila you have a spider caught in it’s web.

9. Pinata

This one will be gold for your kid as they can tell people they need sweets to fill their pinata. It sounds complicated, but in fact all it takes is a cheap or old onesie, some glue and coloured felt. It is the coolest costume ever.

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