Family Life

Elderly man repays store for what he stole 43 years ago

There are still good people out there.

A young boy stole two chocolate bars from Woolworth’s in Belle Vale Shopping Centre 43 years ago, and he has just returned the money he owed.

After all these years, this man still carried around a sense of guilt for his small infraction, and we have so much admiration for his determination to send the money back.

Our hearts were warmed by the tweet that was shared by the shopping centre. It enclosed a handwritten apology along with a £5 note.

Addressed to the manager, the anonymous sender confessed to stealing in 1975 and wrote, ‘I apologise. I didn’t know any better. Here’s the money I owe you for them.’

The tweet was shared with the caption: "Restoring our faith in humanity," and thanked the stranger for his honesty.

Since the store is no longer in business, the centre announced that it will be donating the money received to the charity Zoe's Place baby hospice. So, not only has this kind man repaid his debts, he has contributed to others in need.

With all the bad news and foreboding politics circling the air, it is nice to know that we can still count on our community to give back. This anonymous do-gooder set a high standard that has made us rethink our daily actions.

Every little bit helps, and we are hoping to see more acts of helpfulness like this!


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