
Couple reveal MAJOR news using letters and lights from the 'upside down'

A Californian couple had some pretty exciting news to share with family and friends, but wanted to surprise their nearest and dearest in the best way they possibly could. 

Krystal Jugarap and her partner Daniel Tiger are expecting their first child, and having recently found out the sex of their baby, they came up with a rather unique way of revealing the big news. 

Fans of the hit TV series, Stranger Things, the couple decorated their living room in fairy lights and spelled the alphabet on the wall in a bid to help people find out their expected gender!

The idea came about as Joyce, the mum in the TV series, uses the same method to speak to her son, Will, from the upside down. 

The lights flicker over certain letters to spell out words, with the couple coding the lights to declare: "IT'S A GIRL."

At the beginning of the short clip, Daniel carries his sleeping wife off to bed, returning to their living room to watch TV, and each time he moves the lights flicker over the letters. 

If you're not a fan of the series, it may take you a minute to understand what is happening – but this is AMAZING. 

Krystal credits her husband for coming up with the idea, and for coding the lights, but we're just amazed at how easy they made it look!

Perhaps some inspiration for your next gender reveal?

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