Amazing image shows baby’s feet growing OUTSIDE of the uterus
This photo is truly incredible.
The New England Medical Journal released a rare image which shows a baby’s feet growing outside its mother’s uterus.
The astounding image was captured following a 22-week routine ultrasound.
The 33-year-old mother had previously gone through five pregnancies whereby she gave birth through caesarean section.
This resulted in a 2.5cm tear along the wall of her uterus which left part of the amniotic sac (19cm x 12cm x 9cm), seen between the arrows, resting outside of the uterus.
The baby continued to grow and develop as normal, leading to the feet growing outside of the uterus.
Nonetheless, mum thankfully gave birth, through C-section, to a healthy, bouncing, baby boy following 30 weeks of pregnancy.
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