
10 beautfiul baby names with a historical twist
It's getting more and more difficult to be original when picking a name for your baby.
So why not give your baby a strong, sturdy name with roots in greatness?
A name with a link to an inspiring historical event could mean that they will go on to do great things
The names listed below are historical figures whose work positively impacted the world – not a bad way to name your offspring, is it?
1. Augustus
What a name! It came from a title given to the Roman senate to the first Roman Emperor Octavian, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, and it means “great magnificent." If that's not powerful, we don't know what is.
2. Louisa
Louisa Mya Alcott, author of Little Women, is perfect for someone looking for a creative moniker. Louisa was also a Civil War nurse and activist for the women's suffrage movement. Plus it means "renowned warrior.''
3. Joan
All hail, Joan of Arc! A French heroine turned Saint. Enough said.
4. Rosa
After Rosa Parks, who single-handedly began the Civil Rights Movement in 1960's America. Being named after the "First Lady of Civil Rights" is pretty cool.
5. Abraham
One of the early Presidents of the US, Abe is known for the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, which "declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy in 1863.'' Inspirational stuff.
6. Martin
''I have a dream.'' Need we say more?
7. Ulyssess
Not only is it the title the famous James Joyce book written in 1920, but Ulysses was also the Roman name for Odysseus, a hero in Greek literature. It's definitely unusual.
8. Florence
Florence Nightingale was a pioneer for nursing the sick as well as meaning "flowering in bloom.''
9. Frida
Frida Kahlo, an amazingly talented self-portrait artist, who also fought gender stereotypes by keeping her "mono-brow," and dressing like a man. Feminist icon, no?
10. Amelia
Naming your baby after the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic? You can't get much more inspirational than that. ''Amelia'' also means "industrious and striving.''