Teen Years

No one eats lunch alone at this school, thanks to one student

Despite having more than 3,400 students, someone at this school always ends up sitting alone – something that one senior student wanted to put an end to once and for all. 

Along with some friends, Dennis Estimon from Boca Raton Community High School, Florida, set up We Dine Together, a club that spends each lunchtime making sure no one is eating on their own. 

Basically, members of this club spend their lunch walking around the courtyard looking for students who are eating alone, and then go up to them for a chat.

Dennis, who emigrated to the US from Haiti when he was in first grade, has first-hand experience of feeling isolated at lunch.

"To me it’s like … if we don’t try and go make that change, who’s going to do it?” he told CBS News when talking about his motivation behind the club. 

School is tough, so fair play to Dennis for his initiative.

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