Big Kids

How to get your big kids to clean their rooms

kid tidyIf you’re finding it hard to get your kids to clean their room, then you’re not alone in the struggle because it’s something a lot of mums have to deal with nearly every day. But, it doesn’t always have to be a losing battle.

With these smart techniques, you can encourage your little ones to tidy their room (or at least make more of an effort to tidy up).

Make it clear

Let your children know exactly what you expect from them. If you want, you can make a checklist of what needs to be done i.e. make the bed, hang up clothes etc. For younger children, you can use images instead of words.

Don’t lose track

Make sure your children have a routine. Some families like to clean i the evenings, while other like to tidy up earlier on in the day. It’s up to you to decide which one you prefer, but do make sure you’re consistent with it. Try not to lose track of things.

Lighten things up

Cleaning can get a bit boring at times – even as an adult. Try to make things fun by playing some music in the background. This will make it a less painful experience for your children. Another thing to do is to set a timer and see if your little ones can get the job done before the timer goes off.

Keep it age-appropriate

Don’t have your young ones use products or sprays that are dangerous.  Keep shelves somewhere where your kids can reach them and make it easy for your children to put things away.

Set an example

Children can only listen to so much you say. Sometimes, it’s the things you do that have a bigger effect on them. So the next time you tell your kids to clean up after themselves, make sure your room is tidy too. Have a look here for some tips on keeping your home free from germs.

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