Family Life

5 ways to keep your house free from germs

cleanWith sneaky bacteria lurking around the place, it’s always a good idea to keep your home as clean as you can. When you have children, it isn’t always easy to stick to cleaning schedules. But, even your smallest efforts can make a difference and help keep your little ones out of the GP’s office.

Routine cleaning

You don’t have to clean your whole house all at once. Instead, do a bit of cleaning everyday so that you can prevent the build-up of dirt and dust.

Clean hands regularly

You can leave a hand sanitiser in your home so that everyone can get into the habit of using them. Make sure your little ones wash their hands thoroughly as soon as they get home from a private place.

Use fans

If you use a fan in the toilet or any other place high in moisture, it can help prevent the build-up of bacteria and mould since they help get rid of excess moisture and humidity. If you already have fans in your home, check them regularly so that they’re in good working order.

Don’t leave up the toilet seat

Toilets probably pick up on germs a lot quicker than any other place in your home. Ask your children to put down the seat before they flush as this can prevent dirty water from going on other places in your bathroom. It’s also a good idea to store toothbrushes away, so that they’re less likely to become infected with germs.

Don’t forget the cleaning tools

To get the most out of your cleaning, make sure you wash your cleaning tools as often as you can. Wash rags and towels after each use and change disposable sponges on a regular basis. No matter how much you clean your home, all your efforts will be wasted if your tools aren’t clean.

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