Family Life

How a hug can quell a tantrum (no, really): 8 tips that help

All children have tantrums from time to time, it is just part of their emotional development.

Nevertheless they are always stressful on both of you.

However, you can’t stop them happening, but you can learn coping strategies that will benefit you and your little rascals.

Here’s 8 tips to make life a little easier:


1. Stay Calm

Even if you really want to you should not give in to your frustrations, so keep your cool and don’t shout back.

Do not mirror their behaviour, they are looking to you for guidance in their own frustrations. Instead stay calm, and speak calmly to them.


2. Reason

Do not try to reason with them in the midst of a tantrum as they are most likely so wound up, it will only inflame the situation

3. Distraction works

Try turning on some music, counting or showing them something interesting to shift their focus.


4. If in public go to a quiet place

Go to your car or the toilets, away from crowds of people. This will give your child an opportunity to calm down away from the glaring stares of passersby.


5. Walking away

Obviously if you are in public you wouldn’t do this, but if you are at home try giving them some space in their room to calm down and think.

6. Don’t accept aggressive behaviour

If your child is lashing out during a tantrum, let them calm down and then when they are calmer, and discuss what was wrong with how they behaved.


7. Talking

When things are calmer it is easier to communicate. Give your child the opportunity to talk about what caused their anger/ frustrations and how you can both deal with it in the future.


8. Hugs

Sometimes all you need is to take a deep breath and give them a good old-fashioned hug. In the midst of their despair, this will make them feel safe. Hugs have a calming effect and release feel good endorphins which will have a positive effect on their behaviour.

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