Family Life

6 ways to get out and enjoy the weather

kiteAlthough good weather is a bit of a hit and miss around here, there’s no harm in preparing yourself for a fun day outdoors.

Here are some ways you can enjoy the good weather – when we get it, that is.

Take a stroll down the park

Sometimes, it’s the little things that bring out the best rewards. A lovely stroll down the park can be one of the best ways to relax and enjoy the good weather. It’s a priceless way to soak up all the fresh air.

Have a picnic in your back garden

Nothing puts a smile on a child’s face like food and good weather. Let’s face it, even as adults, we get excited about those things. Grab a few of your favorite foods, a blankie and head out back. If you want, you could play some relaxing music too.

Fly a kite

There’s just something about kites that get children so excited. Bring your children to the front garden and fly a kite with them. Watch how thrilled your little ones will get and you never know, it might even bring out the kid in you.

Head to town for some ice cream

Is it just us, or does ice cream taste much better when the weather is amazing? Head into town or go to your local supermarket to get your children’s favorite ice cream. Make sure they don’t eat too much of it though, the last thing you want is an upset tummy!

Or make some ice cream

If you want to be a bit creative about it, then just make your own. We have a tasty peanut butter and banana ice cream recipe here.

Take plenty of pictures

You never know when you’ll get to enjoy the sun again so remember, take plenty of pictures.

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