Family Life

Winter life hack: how to get frost off your windshield in seconds

With temperatures plummeting across the country, making sure that your car is in working order becomes even more important. 

When racing to work on a chilly morning, there's nothing worse than spending ages scraping that stubborn frost off your windshield. 

Whether you leave the car run and waste petrol, or tackle it with an ice scraper it's really one of those pesky chores we could do without. 

Then look no further, because we have the answer to all your frosty woes here. 

To clear frost off a windshield, create a solution of two thirds rubbing alcohol and one third water and add it to a spray bottle. 

Simply spray the mix onto your windshield and the frost evaporates in seconds. 

How does it work? Rubbing alcohol has a freezing point of -89 °C, meaning that it takes the ice away without damaging the glass. 

Perfect for those cold winter mornings! 

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