Big Kids

We're in bits at this heart-breaking sign about a very special dog

Prepare yourselves, this is going to get weepy. 

Television composer Nick Harvey walks his son to school every day, and on the way the would stop to great his favourite friend- a giant St. Bernard. 

Henry the dog loved the local children and would always great passersby with a wagging tail. 

Harvey took to Twitter to share what happened this week. 

"Every morning, walking to school, my sons stop at the gate of a small house at the end of a narrow path to hi to Henry," he wrote. "Most days, he is there, with tail wagging and slobber dripping; overjoyed to see them. 

"For the past few days, the gate has been unattended. Today, this." 

Attached to the gatepost of the house was a sign and a picture of Henry amd a heart-breaking message.

"On Monday May 28th 2018, our beautiful gentle giant unexpectedly died suddenly. 

"I know many people stopped to chat to him over the years- especially local children, which he loved.

"Thank you for all your kindness- he will be greatly missed by all." 

But it was the sign off really hit us in the feels: "If love alone could have kept you here, you would have lived forever." 

It was not just Harvey's kids that will miss Henry, but other local parents reached out to him to share their children's reactions to the loss of their friend. 

We're heartbroken, as are the thousands of people who saw the sign. 

He must have been a very good boy. We hope he's happy in doggy heaven. 

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