Watch: The most adorable thing happens when kid invites police to his birthday party
Calling the police is usually reserved for when something terrible has happened.
In the case of five-year-old Zachary though, that couldn't be further from the truth.
For his fifth birthday, all Zachary wanted was a police-themed party – and he decided that the only way to get one would be to call the police himself, repeatedly.
Safe to say Zachary's day was totally made! pic.twitter.com/zP9pNSZ9KC
— 9Honey (@9HoneyAU) July 30, 2018
So he went ahead and dialled 111 – the emergency phone number in Auckland, New Zealand – to ask the officers if they would like to attend his special birthday party.
When he couldn't get through to them, he kept trying.
Eventually, a worried police dispatcher called Zachary’s home number and his mother Sarah picked up.
And she was seriously embarrassed about what he had been doing.
''Oh my god, I’m so sorry. That was my nearly five-year-old son, he was just telling me that he wanted to invite police to his police-themed fifth birthday party,” Sarah said, according to the Good News Network.
“I didn't realise he was going to phone through!”
Just imagine how excited Zachary would have been if #KiwiJeff showed uphttps://t.co/cJC7xdeFnv
— Kiwi Jeff Fan (@kiwijefffan) July 26, 2018
Once Sarah explained the situation, to her shock, the officers worked it out that they actually could come to the little boy's party.
The New Zealand Police department then posted the video of the officers arriving at Zachary's home on their Facebook page.
Holding a small stuffed toy in hand for the birthday boy, the officers encouraged the kids to climb on the cruisers and hold some of their equipment.
The video ended with the police saying that while they were happy to grant Zachary's wish, that kids should not call 111 unless it is an emergency.
The Facebook post has gained 1.8k likes, over 400 comments and 3.8k share since it was put up.
Comments include; ''amazing! From another across the pond, it’s great to see such fab community engagement which no doubt will be remembered for the rest of all those kids lives. Good show guys.''
Others wrote, ''love this. Brilliant. That’s about thirty kids who will grow up admiring the Police and will know to approach and trust when they are at a time of need! community engagement at its best!!'' and ''fantastic team. What a wonderful gesture on your time off duty. Well done, big thumbs up to you all.''
Happy belated birthday Zachary and well done to the Auckland police department for being good sports!