Family Life

Update: Dad's viral Disney World plea for a kidney answered by kind stranger

A little while ago, we at MagicMum brought you the story of Robert Leibowitz. 

The New Jersey native and single dad-of-five was snapped in Disneyland pushing his son in a wheelchair.

He was wearing a now famous t-shirt with a life-changing message: 

'In need of kidney. O-postive.'

The picture that went viral with over 91,000 shares was taken by Rocio Sandoval. She originally thought that the kidney was for the boy in the wheelchair. After contacting the family, Sandoval was told that it was for Robert Leibowitz after all.

She wrote that as a parent she empathised with Leibowitz's situation: 

"When I told him I had made the post thinking it was for his son, he was afraid people wouldn't want to become donors, since it's for an adult and not a child. 

This post was meant to help a family, to me it is still a very worthy cause, and worth sharing." 

And indeed it was, and a donor has recently come forward to help Leibowitz achieve his dream of a healthy life. 

Richie Sully, a kind stranger from Indiana, saw the viral post just knew that he had to help Leibowitz.

Speaking to InsideEdition, Sully explained he messaged Leibowitz saying,  “My name is Richie. I am O positive. I have an extra kidney [and] you are welcome to it.”

Leibowitz was shocked by the message, immediately jumping at the chance to met his potential saviour: 

“I was in disbelief because it took so long because it takes so long," Leibowitz said. "I was so happy.”

After testing to see if Sully was a match, he flew to New York to meet Leibowitz for the first time: 

“We spent the whole day in the city together," Leibowitz said. "[I] gave him the whole tour. [We] got to know each other, got to bond."

The surgery is due to take place in the coming weeks. Sully said that he is "excited" about the upcoming donation: 

 “It’s not about checking a box at the DMV or donating platelets. It’s about doing more when you can.”

Commenting on the original post, Sully thanked Sandoval for sharing the picture, otherwise he might never have known to donate his kidney: 

Leibowitz, however, will remain eternally grateful to both Sandoval who got his message out there and Sully, who answered it's call: 

“I can’t even put into words the type of gesture, [that] someone would do something like that." 

We wish him all the best of look, and hope that he gets the happy ending he and his family so clearly deserves.

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