Twins were born minutes apart but in different YEARS
How crazy is this? Two twins were born minutes apart but in different years.
Baby girl Jaelyn was born on New Year’s Eve at 11.59pm and minutes later her brother Luis was born on New Year’s Day at 12.02am.
Jaelyn was the last baby born in San Diego County in 2015 and Luis was the first baby born in 2016!
Mum Maribel Valencia gave birth to the twins early – their official due date was January sixth. Now, incredibly the twins will celebrate their birthdays on different days.
“We were actually watching the clock,” dad Luis Valencia, told KNSD. “We wanted to see if we were one of the first ones.”
“Maribel really wanted to have the babies on the same birthday, because you know later on in the years, they’re going to have a little confrontation and be like, ‘my birthday came first,’ so it means two birthday parties, back to back.”
We can see ‘big sister’ Jaelyn lording the ‘one day older’ over poor Luis for years to come!