Big Kids

Top tips for taking care of your little one's first wobbly tooth

Losing their first baby tooth is a huge milestone in a child's life, not least because it's the first time the tooth fairy will come to the house.

However, while it's part and parcel of growing up, some kids can be a little worried about what happens once it does fall out. And some can worry about it causing pain.

This big change usually starts to happen at around age six, and  Spotlight Whitening founders, dentists Lisa and Vanessa Creaven have put together five top tips to guide you through this transition.

1. For some children losing their baby teeth is an exciting moment while others may be concerned that it will cause pain. If your child is scared, reassure them that it happens to everyone, and is part of becoming a grown-up.

2. Depending on the location of the loose tooth, certain hard foods may become difficult to eat i.e apples – if so cut into bite-sized slices.

3. You can encourage your child to wiggle a wobbly tooth gently, but never pull out a loose tooth. Tugging on a loose tooth will only pull on the sensitive root, causing pain.

4. When a tooth falls out, a little bit of blood may accompany it, and this is completely normal. And if the tooth falls out naturally there is usually no pain.

5. When a tooth falls out, tell your child to expect a visit from the tooth fairy. This is the exciting part – place the tooth into a small box/pouch and have your child put it under their pillow. During the night, the tooth fairy will take the tooth in exchange for a small amount of money.

Aftercare: When a tooth falls out the gum can become tender, to avoid irritation don’t brush too hard around the area. Once baby teeth fall out this is a great starting point to prepare your child to start brushing their teeth by themselves. Supervise them at first and ensure they are brushing morning and night, as they need to maintain good oral hygiene while their permanent teeth start to grow.  

National Tooth Fairy Day takes place on Wednesday, 22nd August and celebrates a big milestone in any child’s life –losing a tooth! It’s important to get into a good dental routine from a young age and Spotlight Whitening has some top tips for getting little teeth tooth fairy ready!

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