
This video of a drummer genius two-year-old will make your day

Most two year olds are still putting together sentences and eating dirt.

But not little Lennox Noble, he's not even three yet and he's already a musical genius. The tiny tot is already the drummer of every rock band's dreams. 

Drumming away to a popular gospel song called "I Can" by Speak Life, the toddler not only stays on beat- but he completely rocks it. 

Look at him go! 

His mum Shintara Nicole is singing in the background- isn't her voice amazing? I sense a family band in the making! 

His mum likes to keep his biggest fans updated through his Instagram account. 


Yay!! In my happy place!! #lifeoflennox #drummer #2yearolddrummer #drumming #drums

A post shared by Lennox Howard Noble (@lifeoflennox_) on

It's not just drums he can play on- check him out laying down some beats on the Christmas tree! 


Keep an eye on this kid- we see great things for him in the future! 

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