This story of a couple becoming parents after 17 years of trying will melt your hearts
This video of a man bursting into tears after finding out his wife is five months pregnant after four miscarriages and a stillborn birth is guaranteed to have you grabbing the tissues. Arkell Graves from Virginia totally breaks down after hearing the amazing news of his wife’s pregnancy, which is finally fulfilling their dream of having a family.
His wife Dana Griffin Graves was hoping to become pregnant since herself and her husband Arkell tied the knot in 1998. After years of trying, the couple had just about given up hope. "We had everything planned…but it just didn't work so we kind of gave up," Dana told Buzzfeed.
She knew something was awry when she found it impossible to lose weight following an exercise regime with her friends, who were all shedding the pounds. Her doctor confirmed that she was expecting, and she had been planning the best way to give her husband the wonderful news ever since.
Arkell’s emotional response was all the more meaningful given how long the couple have longed for a child. Dana made sure to set up the surprise in a genius way, leaving a card with photographs of the ultrasound, as well as a six-pack of freshly baked bread buns in their oven for him to discover.

Arkell simply can’t keep it together when his wife told him the news that she was already five months along, and expecting a healthy baby boy. The video has been viewed over 11 million times on YouTube, with viewers adoring the unmissable reaction of Dana’s husband.
As realisation slowly dawns on him, he breaks out into a huge grin. "You're pregnant?" he keeps saying, in total disbelief. The overjoyed couple went on to deliver Kaleb ‘Baby Buns’ Graves, four months premature, and continued their brave journey.

After spending the first 365 days of his life in hospital, he is now at home with his loving family, who are cherishing every moment of their parenthood.
Follow them on Facebook to see updates on Kaleb ‘Baby Bun’s Graves infancy.