These vintage girl names are so pretty you'll struggle to pick just one for your baba
Modern, trendy, unusual; when it comes to choosing a name for your baby there are plenty of categories to choose from – sometimes too many!
However, here at MagicMum, we just can't resist a vintage name; a name from an era long gone; a name that is both pretty and practical.
So, if you are expecting a little girl, the following 38 names will help you on your quest to find the perfect moniker for your little tot.
1. Alice – meaning noble
2. Ann – meaning graceful
3. Beth – meaning God is satisfaction
4. Betsy – meaning pledged to God
5. Bonnie – meaning pretty
6. Cassie – meaning unheeded prophetess
7. Cora – meaning maiden
8. Daisy – from the phrase "Day's eye"
9. Darla – meaning darling
10. Doris – meaning gift
11. Effie – from Euphemia meaning well-spoken
12. Ethel – meaning noble
13. Frannie – meaning free man
14. Frances – meaning free man
15. Greta – meaning pearl
16. Hattie – meaning ruler
17. Harriet – meaning keeper of the hearth
18. Irene – meaning peace
19. Ivy – from a plant
20. Lillian – meaning purity; beauty
21. Mae – meaning bitter or pearl
22. Mary – meaning wished-for child; bitterness
23. Martha – meaning the mistress
24. Minnie – meaning sea of sorrow
25. Nell – meaning mine
26. Nona – meaning ninth
27. Odette – meaning rich
28. Penny – from a flower
29. Polly – meaning wished-for child
30. Ruth – meaning friend
31. Sadie – meaning princess
32. Tabitha – meaning gazelle
33. Tilly – meaning battle-mighty
34. Ursula – meaning little bear
35. Vivian – meaning alive
36. Wanda – meaning wanderer
37. Yvonne – meaning archer
38. Zelda – meaning blessed; happy
Do you have a favourite? Or a name you'd like to see added to the list?