Big Kids

The 8 BEST things about the Easter holidays

A lot of us mums have a bit of a love/ hate relationship with school holidays. If you work, you have to find childcare (that can be VERY expensive during the midterm) or if you’re at home with the kids, you have to find SOME way to entertain them!

However, there are definitely a few positives to having the kids off school for a week or two:

1. You don’t have to make school lunches


2. The morning rush is no more

Even if you’ve to go to work, you don’t have to get them up at the crack of dawn to dress and feed them.

3. Evenings are a lot more relaxed

The usual evening routine of homework, checking bags and cleaning uniforms takes a back seat for a bit.

4. You can actually enjoy a bit of family time in the evening

No afterschool activities or last minute projects means you can actually talk to each other.

5. There is no Sunday fear

You know the fear that the uniform is still at the bottom of the wash basket with a yoghurt stain on it…

6. There is no traffic

Sometimes it feels like you’re the ONLY still working though…

7. The kids are a lot more relaxed

Well, they don’t have the stress of homework to deal with.

8. You can enjoy mid-week family days out

And they are the best kinds of days out.

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