Family Life

Powerful video shows why we NEED to understand effects of miscarriage

Tommy’s, the charity dedicated to researching causes of stillbirth, premature births and miscarriage, has launched #miscourage, a powerful campaign to raise awareness about the realities of miscarriage.

Part of the campaign is ‘Rosie’s Story’, a video featuring a real-life mum who talks about the multiple miscarriages she experienced.

In the video, brave Rosie talks about the trauma of losing her babies and touches on the painful things people who meant well said to her like: “It’s one of those things”, “It will happen” and “They’re really common.

It’s these typical reactions that Tommy’s wants to change. They want people to understand the full psychological impact of miscarriage on women, which can include depression and post traumatic disorder.

The campaign follows a study recently carried out by Tommy’s which showed that 70% of women feel guilty about miscarrying and 79% feel like a failure.

We say no more. It's time the full, devastating impact of miscarriage is understood.

As far as we're concerned society has a responsibility to educate itself about what really happens to a mum when she loses a baby. 

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