
Postpartum solidarity: here's how you can be a part of it

We're often left divided, be it through fear, belief or one person's bad/good story. 

Because of this, we can often feel like we're not doing the right thing, be it having a natural birth or a C-section, breastfeeding or bottle feeding, co-sleeping or going it alone. 

We have so many decisions to make as a parent, and obviously each and every one of us wants to make the best one for our children. 


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Nonetheless, what we can fail to remember at times, is that what is good for one mum and her baby, may not be good for another. 

Each family is different, paving their own way through life, and instead of tearing each other down for making the 'wrong' choice we like to see all mums celebrate one another. 

Take Back Postpartum is doing exactly that and we're incredibly excited to hear so many stories of the different ways in which mums are winning this parenting gig. 


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One mum who shared her story, stated: "Reminder, fed is best. Either breast or bottle, if your baby is being nourished then you're doing a freaking awesome job."

Another mum told her story of her birthing plan: "Planned home birth turned hospital induction at 37 weeks. It was a whirlwind. I had been fighting a sinus infection leading up to the induction and I was completely exhausted."

"I had every intention to do this naturally but towards the end I was DONE. […] I haemorrhaged and he was whisked away to the NICU."

"Things didn't go as planned but I still had such a beautiful experience. So many amazing things happened in the midst of all the pain and exhaustion. I wouldn't change it for the world."


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The campaign driven by Generation Self-Love states: "Let's learn to love ourselves and be the change, let's live this example for our children, let's raise kind humans who are humble, hard-working, who love themselves and are kind to one another."

And to be honest, if we can all remind our children of the good a small bit of kindness can do for one another in this world, what an amazing and inspiring world we could all live in. 

Would you like to be part of our Mums Who Inspire series? Simply email mumswhoinspire[at] and we'll feature your story (and, no, you don't have to be the best storyteller to get involved!).

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