Mum's Life

'Grossly satisfying': Video show the reality of postpartum hair loss

After giving birth, getting used to the changes in your body can take some time. 

However, one of the most dramatic, if not traumatising, changes is postpartum hair loss, officially known as postpartum alopecia. 

Such dramatic hair loss can be seen in this Instagram video: 

You wouldn't want to be squeamish! 

Why does it happen? According to Baby Centre, it's all to do with hormone levels. 

Normally, about five to ten per cent of your hair is not growing, this is called the resting phase. The rest of the hair is in its earlier stages or the growing stage. 

During pregnancy, higher levels of estrogen are produced by the body, prolonging the growing stage and leading to thicker, fuller hair. 

After childbirth however, estrogen levels plummet and the hair that grew thicker during pregnancy will start to fall out. 

Don't worry though, it won't be forever! Hormone levels should stablise around your little one's first birthday. 

In order to cope with the hair clogging the shower drain, experts recommend opting for a shorter do until the hair loss subsides. Plus a short style can make life easier when you're caring for a new baby. 

Other ways of hiding any loss include using thickener products and mouses to create a fuller look. They also recommend avoiding conditioners as they weigh the hair down. 

It will get better so don't go pulling your hair out over it! 

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