Big Kids

Police officer sits at the side of the road with a young boy for the SWEETEST reason

Police officer Christopher T Scott was on duty in Rigby, Idaho when he came across nine-year-old Kyson Baler.

Kyson is a special needs kid who attends a treatment centre five days a week.

But he doesn’t like change.

So when he arrived at the centre and found out he had a new therapist, life became difficult for the young boy.

Kyson, running out of the centre, sat on the side of the road having a small meltdown.

And that is when Officer Scott stepped in.

Christopher Scott was on duty across the street when he spotted the distraught nine-year-old.

In an act of compassion, the officer went over and sat on the ground beside Kyson, helping him to understand that everything was going to be OK.

Kyson doesn’t speak, but when he saw Christopher he instantly recognised the uniform.

Christopher then continued to tell him: “When you’re ready, we will walk back in.”

Mum Jessica told Inside Edition: “It’s just reassuring to have a positive moment.”

Jessica posted a photo of her son and the officer on the Rigby Police Department page to acknowledge the efforts of Christopher.

The mum wrote: “This officer deserves a special thank you!!”

“He saw my son having a ‘moment’ outside of Journeys and stopped to come comfort him. Kyson truly looks up to the police officers in our community!”

We can totally see why Officer Scott won the VFW Police Officer of the Year Award, what a gent.

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