
Our top advice on how to recycle all of your Easter waste properly

This Easter, Irish residents are expected to recycle over 62,000 tonnes of packaging waste – a 1.8% increase on the 60,900 tonnes recycled in 2023. 

New research commissioned by environmental not-for-profit organisation, Repak, has now surveyed 1,000 adults in Ireland on their Easter spending, recycling habits and knowledge of what can be recycled. 

Easter marks one of the busiest times of the year across the country for waste recovery, and an overwhelming majority (88%) said that they felt confident in their recycling abilities when it comes to disposing of Easter egg packaging. However, when asked how much of their Easter egg packaging they would recycle, just three in five (59%) stated they planned to recycle all of it. 

A quarter (25%) said they would recycle the cardboard box and plastic insert, while one in 10 said they would only recycle the outer cardboard packaging. Just 2% said they didn’t plan to recycle at all.  

Waste segregation, separating waste into their correct bins, is key to effective recycling to ensure we are all contributing to a circular economy and reducing our environmental impact – especially around occasions like Easter which generate more waste.  

Almost three quarters (71%) said they always segregate their waste, with a fifth (22%) saying they often do, and just 2% admitting to rarely or never segregating their waste at home.  

However, despite 88% initially saying they were confident in their recycling abilities, just over half (52%) correctly answered what items can go in the recycling bin.

So, this Easter, Repak is calling on the public to continue to recycle all types of packaging and, in particular, packaging from Easter Eggs and gifts. Cardboard boxes, plastic moulds, chocolate trays, clean tin foil and egg boxes can all be recycled, once they are clean, dry and loose.  

For more recycling hints and tips, visit to find out more.

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