
Neighbours form a human chain in frantic dash to get woman in labour to hospital

Molly Akers has been living in her neighbourhood for just over a week. 

The young woman has not even had a chance to get to know the people in her apartment block, but yet they have already made her cry with happiness. 

Molly revealed: "Mid-morning my downstairs neighbour went into labour. The couple couldn't reach 911, so a complex wide email was sent out asking for nurses and OB's."

"I talked to her husband and a plan was made to move her to the second floor if the water level continued to rise. Suddenly our building was filled with others from our complex showing up to help!"

The expecting couple, Greg and Andrea Smith, are both doctors who had recently moved to the area for training in the Texas Medical Centre. 

But while they are professionally trained doctors, they are far from trained in dealing with extreme flooding and rising water levels. 

The situation in Houston has made life difficult for many, as people are losing their homes and needing assistance, medical teams and emergency services are on around the clock call. 

However, because of the crazy situation, emergency services are unable to respond to each and every call, meaning a delivery back-up plan was needed for Andrea. 

When water levels began to rise in the apartment complex, the couple were moved to a second floor apartment, a neighbour giving up her home so they could deliver the baby. 

With many nurses and doctors living in the same complex, several neighbours answered the call for help, hatching a new plan for the baby's impending birth. 

Nonetheless, one neighbour happened to know someone living beside the local fire department, making contact, and within an hour they had arrived at the complex, in a pick-up truck. 

But how were they going to get a mum-to-be in labour through five foot deep waters and into a truck?

While her room-mate Callie updated Twitter users of the events, Molly states her neighbours were everything and more: "More than an hour later Houston FD showed up. My incredible neighbours made a human chain to help the woman and her husband to the truck."

"Moments like these are incredibly precious and remind me of all the good in the world."

Luckily, with thanks to their amazing neighbourhood, the couple made it to the hospital right on time, where they welcomed a baby girl, Adrielle, to the family. 

How amazing are these people? Such a wonderful story. 

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