Family Life

Mum sends her husband a text at work - you'll never believe what happened

So every now and again we engage in a bit of flirty or 'sexy' banter with our other halves – you know, to keep the relationship alive.

And there is nothing we love more than seeing couples keep the spark strong, even after seven children invade your nest. 

Nonetheless, we sometimes need to remember that as adults we need to keep our random feelings in check (appropriateness was never our strong-point).


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We all have needs though, and in this mum's defence – mummy brain is actually a thing; we can't remember everything you know…

Tara Wood, mum-of-seven, and writer extraordinaire, decided to surprise her husband with a snap early in the morning. 

Revealing: "I think I'll text Garrett a picture of my boobs."

However, within seconds of sending the photograph, she came to a stark realisation: "F*****CK! I'M AN IDIOT! He's in a meeting with the FedEx reps and his texts instantly pop up on his MacBook."

"He'll have his back to the computer while he's talking to the reps and they'll be facing the computer so they'll see my boobs and he won't even know until they either start smiling or vomiting, […], why hasn't Apple made an 'unsend' option available for texts?"

Garrett eventually got back to his wife to inform her that the guys did in fact see her text, but it's 'not that big a deal', kindly offering to call her, most likely for emergency reassurance. 

Nevertheless, after the mum spoke of the unspeakable action, users were quick to share their stories, and they make for some of the funniest mum and dad fails ever! 

How many times have you had an inappropriate moment like this? 

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