Mum says yes to her kids for a FULL thirty minutes, and it's hilarious
Would you ever be brave enough?
We don't think we would be, but we're still in awe of these mums who actually went ahead with their 'yes' day/hour.
Mum-of-two, Jennifer Garner, went a full twenty-four hours without saying no to her children, and when she posted a snap at the end of her day you can be guaranteed she was absolutely exhausted.
And we never thought we'd ever see another mum go there, but writer for Hiding In the Closet with Coffee, Amy Betters-Midtvedt, went ahead and put her own stamp on the 'yes' word.
The mum-of-five decided she would have a 'yes' half hour in her house, and well, we couldn't believe that no one was severely hurt or mum didn't break down in tears.
"Here's how it worked for me. Sam has been dying to buy new Halloween decorations, […] I said yes. He was beside himself with joy when he came out of school. And as we pulled up to the store he asked if he could pick out a scary dinner too."
"I said yes. And decided I was going to say yes to whatever he wanted as we shopped as long as it was within reason. The joy in this kid the whole time we were shopping was awesome."
"Yes to mummy hot dogs. Yes to two kinds of Doritos. Yes to Halloween themed mini soda cans. Yes to the army guy Halloween costume. […] Yes to those annoying string spider webs that will never come out of my bushes."
"Yes to him… my boy."
Amy confessed that her son, Sam, felt superhuman by the end of the half hour, he was applauded for his dinner choice when he got home, and all the kids loved the Halloween decor, making Sam feel special.
"He felt heard and proud and loved being in charge. I now have a secret plan in my head that each of these crazies will get an impromptu yes half hour sometime this year. I like long time lines, I'm much more successful when I give myself time."
"And Sam learned to read the words 'Snack Mix' while we waited so still a win."
Amy is jumping onto the 'yes' half hour bandwagon, which she feels helps her children feel heard for a short time, furthermore, she believes you don't have to be a planner or a millionaire to go through with the idea.
The mum-of-five concludes: "We can all rock the yes for a half hour and the look on our kids faces will make us feel cool."
What do you think? Is this something you'd like to try with your kids?