Teen Years

Mum leaves a note for three teenagers in Starbucks with a very special message...

Michelle Icard was sitting in Starbucks one afternoon, enjoying her day when she overheard three teenage girls studying and taking part in ‘petty’ gossip.

But after a few minutes of listening to the girls, the mum shared: “I'm crawling out of my skin sitting next to three very pretty, very boisterous, horribly behaved young teenage girls.”

Explaining why she felt this way, Michelle informed us:

“So far they have laughed about 1) a girl who wrote a song for the talent show about being lonely (She is so weird!).”

“2) The crappy presents they have gotten in the past from friends, and 3) girls who copy them (the worst).”

Michelle felt so conflicted about the comments she had to leave the coffee shop in an effort to restrain herself from ‘exploding’.

Heading off to do her grocery shopping, she couldn’t help but think about what the girls had been saying and noticed they were still in Starbucks on her drive home.

Inspired by a user’s comment on her earlier post, Michelle went home grabbed a pen and piece of paper and wrote a note to the girls.

Going back to Starbucks the mum ordered mini frappuccinos for the teens, walking up to them and pleasantly explaining what she was doing:

“Hi Girls, you don't know me but it looks like you're here studying and I wrote you a note of encouragement.”

Leaving the store, Michelle left the young girls with plenty of food for thought…

“I sat near you today in Starbucks and listened as you talked. You three are obviously pretty and hard-working. I wish your kindness matched your pretty exteriors.

I heard you talk about a girl who sang a song about being lonely in the talent show – and you laughed.

About a girl who couldn't be lead singer because you got all the votes, about crappy presents other people have given you…and you sounded so mean and petty.”

But the manner in which Michelle signed off her note is something that is sure to strike a chord;

“You are smart and you are pretty. It would take nothing from you to also be kind. – M.”

Do you think Michelle done the right thing?

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