
Mum embraces her postpartum body following her greatest scare

Loving your body is one of the hardest things for a woman to do; we just always seem to find something we want to change.

And loving our postpartum body has been a source of great difficulty for many mums, but we’re all about those stretch marks and scars here in MagicMum.

We like to think of it as a beautiful reminder of the time you brought the greatest gift into the world.

And one new mum agrees with us.

‘Healthy Fit Mama’ has revealed what made her realise she should be content with her postpartum body and we think her reasoning is more than accurate.

The mum was almost eight months into her pregnancy journey and she was fortunate enough to have had little to no stretch marks, however one morning she woke up and ‘bam’ she looked starkly different.

“I remember crying thinking I'll never be able to wear a bikini or will my husband even find me attractive anymore?”

But she was reminded of a moment during her pregnancy that put everything into perspective:

“I remember the night I woke up and hadn't felt my baby move; I was in a panic. I woke my husband up crying thinking something horrible had happened.”

“We rushed to the ER and horrible thoughts flooded my mind. I didn't care if my whole body was covered in stretch marks if it meant my baby was okay.”

Looking back on the incident, the new mum believes her postpartum body should be celebrated as she brought her daughter into the world, a healthy newborn.

“The second I heard her little heart beat on the monitor a wave of relief, joy, and pure bliss overwhelmed me. In that moment I remembered that my body is creating life.”

“My body is stretching to accommodate my precious baby and that was okay. So today as I look down and see those beautiful stretch marks I'm reminded that It doesn't matter.”

“She is alive because my body grew to give her life. I love these marks.”

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