Mum creates touching and heartfelt video as she places son up for adoption
When Hannah Mongie starts her video, she seems just like every other new mother.
Holding a camera above her newborn we can she her reach out to comfort him as he kicks and squeals.
As she speaks, her voice is shaky and without even seeing her face you can sense the raw emotion.
“Today is Monday March 21 2016,” she begins. “This is little Taggart Kaden Marsh before placement, so right now, he’s 100 per cent mine.”
"This is for you Tagg, I made this video to show how much I love you. I wanted to tell you why I made the decision to place you with your family."
Mongie explains to her little boy why she is placing him for adoption, starting her story from the beginning.
She tells him how she met his father:
“I met your daddy in 2013 … he went away on a mission and came home in 2015. We dated for a while, and then after a while I found out I was pregnant with you.”
“He loved you from the very beginning,” she says of her boyfriend Kaden.
However, tragedy struck the young couple:
“Then two days after he heard your heartbeat, his heart stopped,” Mongie explains to her infant son.
Kaden passed away suddenly, leaving Mongie pregnant, alone and fearful of the future.
At first Mongie wanted to keep the baby, but she realised that she couldn't give him the life that he deserves:
“From the day your daddy died I had a hard time even considering placing you with a different family,” she says. “You were my last piece of Kaden.
But one day I woke up and I just knew that you were supposed to be with someone else.”
Mongie then bravely began the adoption process, after few false starts she found Brad and Emily Marsh:
"I fell in love with them. They were beyond anything I could have asked for.”
During the pregnancy, Emily Marsh became one of Mongie's "best friends" and even helped to decorate the nursery.
However, this did not make the process any less difficult.
“The entire pregnancy I was waiting for these two days I would get to spend with you. And right now I’m in the last hour of those two days."
Finally, he reminds little Tagg that she will always love him:
“I love you Taggart Kaden Marsh, my little boy, my son. I’m sorry. I love you so much."
The video, which has been viewed over 2 million times, has elicited emotional responses from both children of adoptions and their parents:
Luckily for both mother and baby, the Marsh's agreed to an open adoption and Mongie gets to see her birth son regularly.
Although it might be a few years before Taggart realises the sacrifice his birth mother made for him, he'll never have to doubt if he was loved.