Family Life

It is possible: Practical tips to stay on top of your fitness regime

If you are still staying on top of your New Year's resolutions, we salute you! Seriously. It is something many (many) of us have not managed to do.  

But it is tough; trying to find the time between ferrying kids to football practise, cooking dinner and doing homework, is near on impossible.

And even if you do find some free hours in the evening, well, most of us just want to sit in front of the telly with a bar of chocolate, no matter how much we actually want to go out for a run. 

Yes, we all know making a fitness regime is easy, but actually sticking to it is hard – there is no denying that.

However, it's not impossible, and the following five tips will help you stay on top of it.  

1. Start a competition with your other half

Nothing spells motivation like a competition! Whether it's with your other half, your friend or your sibling, mini-competitions (who covers more miles, who cycles the furthest, who eats the healthiest) mean you'll be more determined to keep going.

2. Give yourself a goal

Not a cheat day or anything like that. We mean a proper goal, like a night off mum-duties or a new pair of fancy shoes. And tell everyone about it so you can't give up (or get yourself the treat anyway).

3. Do it for charity 

Sign up to run a marathon or climb a mountain for a charity. Set yourself a target, share it on social media and encourage everyone to sponsor you; you won't be able to back down with so much on the line…

4. Avoid repetition 

Mix things up a little; do weights one day, cardio the next and take a break on another. Doing the same thing day in day out is boring, and you WILL lose motivation eventually. 

5. Go with a friend 

Just like doing the same thing over and over again, exercising on your own can be boring. Now that's not to say everyone needs to buddy up – some of us do work better alone – but if you find it hard to get off the couch in the evening you could probably do with an exercising friend. 

Do you have a funny exercising story that you would love to share? Click here and you could be in with a chance of winning €250.

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