
'I'm A Celebrity' tweet angers mums everywhere

An Australian entertainment commentator has sparked outrage and debate with a tweet about a TV and radio personality, and working mum, who is currently participating in Australia’s version of I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here.

Peter Ford has incurred the wrath of the Twitter world after criticising media personality Chrissie Swan’s decision to take part in the reality show with a young child at home.

“Chrissie Swan looks set to win Celeb. Not sure what it says about society that we reward a mother who leaves a 1 year old baby to chase fame,” wrote Ford.

Needless to say, his tweet sparked outrage on the social media site, with parents calling Ford out for his comment.

chrissie swan

One follower called Ford out for his seemingly sexist approach, writing: “Perhaps it says that society is no longer in 1950 – unlike you and your attitude towards women?”

Another wrote: “CARE Australia (charity) gets $100K for her efforts. I went back to work when my son was 7 months. Shall I report myself to community services?”

Meanwhile, a number of others commented on the fact that the child has two parents, one of whom is not in the jungle.

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“What a horrible time they must be having, bonding with their father,” another Twitter user wrote.

Speaking out to website, Ford said that while he can understand why people could have taken his comment to be sexist, that wasn’t his point.

“The point is, Chrissie does put her kids out there. It’s a part of her act. She talks about them and writes about them all the time. So they’re up for public discussion,” he said.


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