
If you're struggling to get rid of old baby clothes then you really need to read this

Baby clothes are so teeny that it is hard to imagine them ever fitting your tiny tot.

And when your little one is wearing that teensy onesie, you immediately become attached to that adorable item of clothing.  

So when they grow out of said item, you'll find yourself leaving it on the shelf despite not having enough room because you simply cannot bring yourself to give it away.

While it's all well and good hanging on to them, the sheer volume of clothes your little one will accumulate in their first few years will mean you'll have trousers that are five sizes too small for your child clogging up their wardrobe.

And no one can deal with that kind of clutter forever, can they? 

However, we completely understand the huge thing it is to get rid of your baba's clothes, which is why we absolutely had to share Rebecca Reczek's idea.

The associate professor of marketing at the Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business, undertook a study which saw 797 students from Pennsylvania State University donate 'sentimental clutter'. 

So what did she find? 

Well, according to Rebecca, people don't want to lose the memories associated with particular items – so she suggests you take a photo of it. 

Yup, if you take a simple snap you'll be able to keep the memory of said clothing alive without having to sacrifice space. 

Although we're not sure we're ready to give up Baby's hospital hat just yet. 

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