Teen Years

How to boost your child’s confidence surrounding their body image

As adults, we admit that we can often struggle with body image. Sometimes, it’s difficult to talk yourself up in the mirror – and that’s okay! However, when it comes to our children, the thought of them suffering from body image breaks our hearts.

It can be difficult for young people to understand how they feel about their appearance. Whether your child is in the early stages of life, or going through the motions as a teenager, body image issues can impact them at any time.

If you are starting to notice that your child is having difficulties with their body image, then we are here to help! We have set out our top pieces of advice to help you, which in turn, will hopefully help them:

1. Self-care is taking care

The number one thing you should teach your child is how to teach your child the importance of self-care! If they feel good within themselves, then this will encourage them to feel more confident about their appearance. Teach them the values of healthy eating, ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day, and recommend the right kind of skincare products for their delicate skin. It is also worthwhile to reiterate the importance of other self-care acts. This can be anything from going for a walk to making time for something that your child enjoys, such as reading their favourite book or spending time with their friends. Body and mind is all connected!

2. No negativity here

When it comes to your child’s body issues, it is essential that you set a positive example for them to follow! Specifically, this means that you should never talk negatively about your own body, especially when your child is in your presence. Instead of openly criticising yourself, hold those negative thoughts back and turn them into positive ones! Praise yourself out loud with confident phrases. If your child hears you complimenting yourself, they will feel much more inclined to follow your lead and steer their own negative thoughts away. 

3. Everything is working as it should be

In order for your child to fully appreciate their body, it is crucial for them to understand how their body works. Of course, there is no need for you to do a full biology lesson with them, but if there is a particular part of their body that they are feeling insecure about, explain its function to your child and encourage them that their body is just doing what it is supposed to do. Talk about the human body as positively as you can!

4. Create an open space

Having an open and honest relationship with your child is vital when it comes to their body issues. If they bottle up their emotions, this will only cause them to spiral more and become even more upset with their body image. However, if they know that you are here to listen to their worries, then they will be much more likely to open up to you. Reassure them frequently that you understand their insecurities, and that you are always here to help them.

5. It’s okay to change

When it comes to a child’s body image, the biggest thing that negatively impacts it is the effects of puberty. Acne, voice changes and weight fluctuation can sometimes cause your child to feel insecure about themselves. While these emotions are completely understandable, it is also important for your child to know that their bodily changes are nothing to be ashamed of. Ensure that your child knows the reasons why their body is evolving, and reassure them that everyone goes through these changes at some point in their life. Trust us – it will help them to feel less alone. 

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