Family Life

Here's how your little one can track Santa on Christmas Eve

Tracking Santa is one of the best things about Christmas Eve.

Hot chocolate for the kids, a glass of something nice for Mum and a tin of chocolates for all, it is one of the nicest ways to spend the day.

In fact, it has become a pretty solid tradition in our house (after a last minute dash to the shops, of course!).

We tend to use NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defence Command) – a popular app that allows kids to follow Santa.

A favourite among kids and adults alike, it is fairly easy to use, whether you're on a laptop or phone. 

The app, which you can download on your phone for free or access on your laptop, shows you exactly where Santa is at any one time and how many presents he has delivered.

NORAD even lets you follow Santa from the minute he leaves the North Pole until he delivers his very last present – usually after the kids have gone to sleep.

The NTS (NORAD Tracks Santa) programme has been around since 1955, and is funded through contributions from their corporate team.

You can download the app here (iOS, Android) or head over to the website here

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