Family Life

Feel like you got nothing done today? Read this hub's note NOW

Some days, when it all gets a bit too much, we just want a sign that we’re doing okay, that we’ve got this parenting thing down.

And that’s exactly what this mum got from her hubby, who showed her in the simplest terms that she is doing a pretty fantastic job.

There were no lengthy praises, no thanks for any specific jobs she does every day, just a very simple: “I love you. Thanks for keeping the kids alive every day.”

Well when you put it like that…

“I woke up to find this note and it made me smile because some days that's all I feel like I do and it's crazy frustrating,” wrote Esther Anderson, who received the note from husband Thad.

“My husband's always reminding me that if I don't get to the dishes stacked two feet high or to the 7265282 loads of laundry or get to finish the project I'm *trying* to work on, I'm still spending time with my girls (and trying to keep them alive) and that's infinitely more important than any other To-Do on my list #keepingatoddleraliveisnoteasy.”

Thanks Esther (via Thad!) for reminding us that we’re doing the best job we can!

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