Everyone is praising this woman for speaking up about her pumping nightmare at airport
Sophie McBain from the US was travelling home from the UK when an experience at Heathrow airport left her reeling.
The mum had to pump just before her flight so she asked airport staff where she could get some privacy. On their advice, she went to the baby changing room and began using her electric pump.
However, while she was sitting there, a male attendant "unlocked the door" and told her that next time she was to "leave the door unlocked or pump in the main terminal."
Following the incident, Sophie got in touch with Heathrow to complain.
However, she was not impressed with their response and took to Twitter to share her story.
I told people yesterday that I wasn’t so upset about my horrible experience @HeathrowAirport, I just didn’t want other women to go through the same. But then I received this excuse-filled, non-apology to my formal complaint & I am so sad..
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
I explained what happened: after seeking advice from staff I went to pump milk in a baby changing room. I felt so bad about inconveniencing other parents but also I felt so uncomfortable & had to do this before my flight
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
Then a male attendant unlocked the door on me, and while my bare breast was still inserted in my pump he told me next time I should leave the door unlocked or pump outside in the main terminal
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
To explain why I was upset I compared it to someone bursting in on your while you are on the toilet and then calmly telling you, while your pants are still round your ankles, that you are hogging the public bathroom
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
Also, sticking your breasts into an electric breast pump is so undignified looking I don't even like it when my husband sees me doing it. Why would I want strangers to see this?
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
But I made clear I didn’t want to get anyone into trouble, this wasn’t about one staff member. It’s a systemic problem. No thought has been given to breastfeeding travelers, we have no space to pump/BF in private & staff have clearly received no training
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
I didn’t explain that my right side, which I didn’t pump because I was too embarrassed & stressed, was so painful 5 hours into my flight that I cried with relief when the @BritishAirways cabin crew said I could use their rest area to pump
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
But I did explain that it’s not just that BF women feel uncomfortable when they can’t pump – it puts us at risk of a painful and potentially serious condition called mastitis
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
I also did not explain that this kind of shit is why the UK has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the world.
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
Here is the airport's reply to Sophie's complaint:
Anyway- here's the reply I got pic.twitter.com/JskEhihzwS
— Sophie McBain (@SEMcBain) January 22, 2018
Following on from her tweet, Sophie received plenty of support for calling out the airport for their shocking treatment
I'm so sorry about this – a completely unacceptable auto-reply from @HeathrowAirport. I'm glad the BA staff had a bit more common decency.
— HollyEd (@Holly__Ed) January 23, 2018
It’s appalling that you haven’t apologised or taken any responsibility for the way Sophie has been treated @HeathrowAirport https://t.co/96taeVwbx3
— Mrs B (@srburrows) January 23, 2018
How you ever experienced anything like this?