Family Life

Father breaks down speaking to his daughter about her bullies

Nothing is more upsetting then knowing your kids are in trouble, or suffering in any way. 

One father recently broke down after learning that his young daughter was being bullied. 

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Aarron Lambo is a professional weightlifter, tough guy and proud father of the gorgeous Aaliyah.

Recently, Aarron discovered that his precious daughter was being bullied, and plays on her own to avoid the mean girls in her class. 

In a heart wrenching video, Aarron quizzes his eight-year-old daughter about the bullies, and she explains to hi that she only talks to her teddy bear and the birds. 

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Naturally, this proud father gets quite upset, and starts crying when Aaliyah explains the situation to him. 

Aarron posted a video of his chat with Aaliyah on his popular Facebook page, to spread awareness about childhood bullying and how upsetting it can be. 

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“Kids should NEVER have to suffer mental or physical abuse from other kids,” he wrote on Facebook. 

He followed it up with another, longer, video, where the father-daughter duo discuss the bullying in more detail, and also discuss the fact that little Aaliyah had made new friends. 

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Unfortunately, no action has been taken by the school to deal with Aaliyah's bullies, and Aarron said that “the principle of the school has been to busy to see us over the matter too. I now have NO choice but to take action as a parent and protect my child.”

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Let's hope that all these issues will soon be cleared up, and Aaliyah can enjoy school and her new friends. 

SHARE and show your support for this sweet little girl. 

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