
Doctors remove amniotic sac after baby is born ‘en caul’ in amazing clip

A Venezuelan woman has captured the moment a baby was born en caul and we have to admit, it is AMAZING.

The beautiful birth is captured in the delivery room as the baby enters the world still inside the entire amniotic sac, and we can even see the baby yawn in the remarkable footage.

En caul births are quite rare, they usually happen when the sac balloons out during birth, with both the amniotic fluid and baby remaining inside.

But not alone does Jasmine Perez capture the image of the baby inside the sac, but she also records the moments doctors open the sac.

The astonishing clip shows us the moment a doctor uses a scissors to open the sac, bursting open like a balloon, and the newborn sliding out into a nurse’s arms, taking its very first breath.

This is absolutely incredible, we’re stunned.

Do you remember that moment when your child took his/her first breath? We have actual chills.

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