
Couple surprise family by flying home to visit... but they have a bigger shock in tow

There is surprising your family, and there is completely blowing everyone's expectations up!

And that is exactly what Leah and Mike did when they triple whammied their friends and family recently. 

The couple live in Shanghai and were missing out on annual festivities, or so their family had thought. 

But wanting to surprise everyone, they discreetly planned a homecoming adventure, where they drove around to everyone's house once they got back to the States, individually surprising people. 

And while everyone was excited to see them home for festivities, they never expected the news that was to follow. 

Leah and Mike weren't just home for the holidays, they were home for good. 

The husband and wife had decided their three years in China had come to an end, deciding to move back to California indefinitely. 

Upon sharing the news there were plenty of tears in store and even more hugs to go around. 

But, because they were delivering all the blows at once, they decided to go out in style. 

Leah and Mike were expecting their first baby! 

The shock on everyone's face when they realised Leah was six-months-pregnant and absolutely nobody knew. 

Leah's dad had one of the best reactions anyone could hope for, and how cute is it that they surprised Mike's brother and sister-in-law who are also expecting at the same time?

There were plenty of tears to go around after that one – we're not sure what we'd do, this is too precious! 

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