
Couple left devastated after their adoption falls through... but then something incredible happens

In February 2011, doctors told Megan Milem that she would never be able to carry a baby to full term.

So, the following year, Megan and her husband, Douglas, decided to go down the adoption route, and that’s when they started waiting for Lennon. 

Not long after their journey began, the couple were matched with a baby – and were obviously delighted. 

But their joy didn't last long. 

Sadly for the couple, the birth mother decided to keep her child and the match fell through.

They signed up with a local agency and began the waiting game again.

Little did they know, however, that very same weekend their match fell through baby Lennon was conceived.

Just before Thanksgiving in 2012, Megan and Douglas were told that they had matched with another baby, who was due on Christmas Eve.

And on December 13th 2013 the couple met their baby for the very first time, and they caught the entire moment on camera, which they uploaded to YouTube to share with their followers.

What a truly beautiful video – it deserves to be shared. 

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